Em has been in gymnastics for a little over 2 months now. I am not really able to get any photos of her in action because I am busy trying to keep up. Plus there is never any good times to pull out the camera because we are always on the move. Hopefully soon Mike will take over the activity (because my belly is getting in the way) and I can bring my big lens to get some good shots.
She still has days were it is just chaos. Her listening skills could use improvement but other then that I think she is really having fun learning and climbing on everything. Except for the rings. She will not even come close to even touching them. I know she has some issues with being scared of heights so we are trying to overcome that.

Mike finally took over this day...forgot my good camera tho :(

We went to check out the tottsicle ice skate activity.
It was absolutely so cute!
I was shocked how extensive it was all for $5.
The kids are on the ice for about 45 minutes playing with tons of toys. Then everyone goes inside for story time with cookies and hot chocolate.
I'm a little bummed that this program stops during the summer. I guess there is not enough people that come during nice weather. But we will definitely be back in the fall. Hopefully she will have a little bit bigger of shoe size and then she can try the skates.
She looks so darn cute!