Sunday, April 12, 2015

Checking Things Off The To Do List

We are going to be packing up in just a little bit (excuse me while I cry my eyes out) and I have a million things I still need to see here.
I know Mike, Emma , Bolo and I will never return to Oahu so I need to see everything NOW.

I decided to make a trip north. When I say trip I really only mean about a hour away because that is how long it takes to get to the other side of the island.

I made a quick stop at the Waialua Sugar Mill to check it out. 
Oahu grew a lot of sugar way back when.  
This was the last mill to close in 1996. 
It now is home to a bunch of little shops that sell all things made in Hawaii. 
 The soap factory is probably the most well known shop in the area. All of the soaps are from natural ingredient found in Hawaii.
 It was nice to walk around and look at everything but I didn't buy anything. Of course if you can guess...this place is made for the tourists. Prices are ridiculous!
 Emma and I when to Magic Island Beach
 This little beach is at the end to a well known park in the middle of Honolulu.
 Great for kids because of the breakers that stop the waves.
It was nice to come here and check it out.
Emma and I met a friend at Kawainui Marsh
Its a sanctuary in the middle of my town that I have never been to.
Why? I'm not sure...but hopefully I can take Emma at least once more.
 I heard on the news a little while ago that they were thinking about building a parking garage on this land.
Hopefully it didn't get approved.

I was on the west side a little while ago and decided to stop at the Lower Makua Cave.
This is Emma's first "cave" experience.
 I think she picked up every rock in the cave.

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