Sheba still does not have the pills that I have ordered for her. I have called twice to the place where I had to order the them and tomorrow will be a third time. They had the "nice" Katie then, tomorrow wont be so nice. I don't like to be confrontational at all but I feel like this company is pushing me around. It has been 13 days sense she took her last pill and I can totally tell that she desperately needs them. I will never use these people again!
Mike and I when to a Mexican restaurant for dinner after he got home from working with the guys. He's not a fan of Mexican so I was surprised that he even mentioned it. I feel like everything on the menu looks the same. I'm sure its all good but its all covered in cheese and beans. I usually get the fajitas. I like the attention when it comes out sizzling.... :) I got a really dangerous drink while we were there too . I could have ordered 10 Mango Paradises they were so good. I just felt like it was missing a slice of pineapple or strawberry on the brim. I wouldn't have eaten them anyways but it would have been pretty. Mike was happy with his huge mug of beer too.
I cant believe our time here is almost over. I have yet to find out all the details to our move which is making me crazy. I just feel like something will end up going wrong as usual. I am expecting a phone call tomorrow that will hopefully get the ball rolling. There is so much to still do!
Happy Valentine's Day to such a cute couple! Take a deep breath, I know moving is stressful but it will all fall into place. I think the anticipation is the worst. We are moving in less than four months and we just moved here 6 months ago and I still get a little worked up. But I always remind myself it all works out and we end up on the other end all together. Thank you for the comment...glad you liked my heart. xoxo Beth