I cant believe today is already Monday. This weekend flew by. We had quit a busy few days so that's probably why all the days feel like they were smooshed together. Friday we got together once again at the the hole in the wall bar that we seem to gravitate to. We always seem to have such a good time every time we go there tho. That's probably why we keep going back.
Saturday I made a big breakfast. We had a couple come over while their house was being shown to sell. We pretty much spent the whole day with them after that. Went to lunch at my favorite restaurant out here. I crave it always so I was happy when that was the final decision. Mike is not a fan of sushi so it was never really an option for dinner. But there is a restaurant out here that has Chinese food / Sushi so its the best of both worlds. Even tho I don't eat raw sushi I still can get enough of the cooked. We also took Bolo to the beach. It was such a beautiful day out that we just had to take advantage. Later we went back to their place to watch some football and have a soak in the hot tub. We ended up staying a lot later after the game. Talking about Power Hour brought back memories so it had to be done. ugg...
Sunday was suppose be relaxing but was the total opposite. I vaguely remember telling some of the guys that I was going to make meatballs when we were at the bar. I don't know why I had it in my mind that it would have been a good idea. So 50 meatball, 20 chicken cutlets, 2 pounds of pasta, homemade sauce and salad later, I made dinner for about 10 guys that came over for their haircuts. What a day and night! I also made dessert before I had even started making dinner which was a regret because I really didn't know dinner was going to be that extensive. Dessert was really cute tho. I made s'mores bits and brownie peanut butter bits. You can probably guess where I learned those recipes. (pinterest) So after everyone's stomach was full and haircuts were fresh and I needed to hit the sheets right away.
This morning I woke up at 5:50am to be ready to pick up one of the lady's and head to a class about our move that is coming up. This is now the second time that I have been to this office and I still do not feel like I have answers. Later in the day I pick another friend up and we had lunch and ran around a few more offices to see if we could somehow get better direction on all the necessary steps that need to be taken. After that, I do feel now that I have a few questions answered but not everything is set yet. Hopefully Mike will have a few hours coming up that he could go and figure the rest out. I'm not sure if I can do another day like today again.
I just hope tomorrow is not so crazy. I need a hair cut desperately so maybe I'll research a place that I will feel somewhat comfortable in going. I just know its going to be absolutely so awkward having someone cut my hair that I don't work with. I just wish I would have been able to go into my old salon to say hi to everyone and pay for a haircut that I am actually sure about. This day was going to have to come sooner then later so Ill just have to get over it. I also am going to swing by a strangers house to meet a dog that I am going to be taking out weekly. A little extra shopping money sounds like a good idea.
Is it possible to get the recipe for the brownie bites? The peanut butter one looks delish. How did you make the s'mores kind? I can't tell from the picture. I cracked up while reading the part about telling the guys you were making meatballs. I accidentally wrote on my ex boyfriends (he's a marine too) facebook that I was making samoa bars once..BAD IDEA! haha :)