Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Baby Time

Mikes on duty tonight so I have been laying in bed board out of my mind looking at stupid things on the internet when I came across the site Morph Thing. 

I was a little curious....


So I was even more curious to see what I would supposedly look like as a baby....
Say hello to my parents

 Ummmm... not even close!
 I for some reason have no baby pictures with me in Hawaii so I cant even show you how wrong they are but take my word for it. This baby needs to be 4 lbs chunkier!  


  1. BUAHAHAHA!!!! OMG!!!! You're Baby Fever has blown through the top of the thermometer if you are doing this hunny!!! Hahahaha! I LOVE IT! This brought the biggest smile and belly laughs to me. I remember doing something like this with my oldest son's dad in high school for a little girl.... So glad we didn't have a girl after that picture... Buahahaha! ;)

  2. Hahahaha this is awesome! I think I'm going to put our pictures in and see what happens lol.

  3. Make some real babies! They would be cute! I totally did this when I was pregnant with Justin.... The picture was creepy! haha.
